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Nationwide Survey for Children

The Children’s commissioner for Wales has asked that all children be given the opportunity to complete this survey

Survey for Children aged 7-14

Survey link using pictures to help with reading

Picture activity for children aged 3-7 or those who may need an accessible option

The Director of Education has asked that you complete this survey as part of your home learning activites this week please.  The deadline is this Friday 29th January


Many Thanks




Pembrokeshire County Council Press Release

8th January, 2021


Pembrokeshire County Council welcomes the announcement that remote learning will continue until at least Friday, January 29th.

The Welsh Government has brought the decision on schools into line with the three-weekly review of the Alert Levels.

Education Minister Kirsty Williams announced last night that unless there is a significant reduction in Covid-19 transmission before January 29th, remote learning would continue until the next review date, which coincides with the February half-term.

Vulnerable children and children of key workers will still have access to their usual school.

Pembrokeshire County Council Director for Education Steven Richards-Downes, said: “This announcement provides more clarity on the immediate future to learners, parents, carers and our dedicated school staff.

“All schools in Pembrokeshire are already planning and delivering blended learning to their learners and this now includes developing live streaming of lessons where possible.

“Schools have introduced a County wide model policy for live streaming acceptable use to parents.

“Schools have been training staff in the use of a number of platforms such as Microsoft Teams and Google Classrooms including training and support for both synchronous and asynchronous activity as this supports families in being able to meet the needs of learners at home.”

Cllr Guy Woodham, Cabinet Member for Education and Lifelong Learning, added: “Once again I thank all learners, parents, carers and school staff for the way they have embraced remote learning and we continue to look forward to the time when face-to-face learning can resume.”

For the latest advice and press releases relating to coronavirus, please view:

For press queries, please email:



Message from Mr Harries

Dear Parent/ Carer

I hope that you and your families have had a relaxing and enjoyable holiday.

I just wish to briefly summarise the arrangements for next week.

Monday 4th January is an INSET Day during which the staff will be holding a number of meetings.

From Tuesday 5th January, teachers will be providing work for children to complete. If you have any problems accessing this, please email the class teacher in the first instance. If you are unable to do this, please email myself at or telephone the school and leave a message and I will get back to you.

From Wednesday 6th January, the school will be providing childcare for children whose parents have been classed as critical workers.

From Monday 11th January, we are expecting the school to fully reopen. The Playgroup will also restart on this date.

I will be in school on Monday 4th January from 8:00 a.m. and will be available to answer any questions that you may have on 01834 812764.

Yours sincerely

Paul Harries

January Return to School, PCC Press Release


Pembrokeshire County Council welcomes the statement from the Welsh Government and the WLGA (below) on the start of next term.

Given that Covid-19 transmission levels continue to increase across the local authority, by taking the decision at this stage it is providing families with much needed clarity on the arrangements for the start of the Spring Term.

Pembrokeshire schools will provide distance learning for learners from the start of next term 4th January until 8th January.

Schools that have INSET days planned at the start of the term will be closed and will not be offering learning on those days.

Childcare for critical workers and vulnerable learners will be available on all school sites from Wednesday 6th January, this will include Portfield Special School and the Pembrokeshire Learning Centre. Please contact the school directly regarding this provision.

All schools will return to face to face learning from Monday, 11th January unless a situation occurs where a school is unable to open for significant health and safety reasons.

Where this happens the school and the Council will place notifications on their websites.

WLGA Statement on the return of schools in January

Following extensive discussions a common approach has been agreed by the Welsh Government and the Welsh Local Government Association for the return to school in January.

With transmission levels continuing to increase across Wales, and uncertainty over what impact that might have on school staffing levels over the Christmas break, there will be some flexibility built in at the beginning of term. However, minimising disruption to our children and young people’s education remains a priority and face to face learning should be the default position unless there are clear public health and safety reasons for moving to remote learning.

For most of our learners, the new school term will start on 4th January, although there will be some schools who have planned INSET days in this first week. As schools

assess their staffing levels ahead of, and during, the first week, our expectation is that schools will be providing face to face learning for the majority of their pupils by 11th January, leading to a full return in the days before 18th January at the latest.

Where a school has moved to remote learning because of exceptional and specific local circumstances, local authorities and schools will be expected to make arrangements for vulnerable learners and the children of critical workers (including school staff) to attend, as is the case now.

A WLGA spokesperson said:

“The plan to return to schools in January will give some certainty, whilst also allowing for flexibility to take account of local circumstances.

“Teachers, school staff, learners, and parents and carers’ response has been remarkable throughout this challenging year. It has not been easy, and we thank them for their continued patience and perseverance to help keep our communities safe.

“To help curb the rapid spread of the virus, we must all continue to do all we can to protect ourselves, each other and our communities.”

A Welsh Government spokesperson said:

“We all recognise that these are unprecedented times and that we have to be agile in how we respond to the impact the virus has on our communities.

“By agreeing to a flexible approach during the first two weeks of the new school term in January enables our schools to put in place proportionate arrangements which reflect their specific circumstances and is guided by public health and safety considerations.

“We know from our children and young people that they learn best when in the classroom receiving face to face learning so any measures we put in place must look to minimise further disruption to their education.”

For the latest advice and press releases relating to coronavirus, please view:

Time Capsule

Tenby Time Capsule : Life in the time of the Corona Virus.

I am writing to introduce myself, I am the Member Pioneer for the Co-op, based in Tenby but covering the area around the Kilgetty Co-op as well. My role is to liaise with the community, help where I can to get community projects underway, and to let people know anything that the Co-op is up to that affects us locally.

I am running a Tenby Time Capsule project to gather adult’s and children’s stories, impressions, and creative work done during the time of the Corona virus, in conjunction with Tenby Town Council. It will be stored in the Mayor’s Parlour for 10 years and then re-opened.

I would also like to share some things in the Tenby Observer as they come in, but I will check with people first to make sure they are ok with this.

I would like everyone in Tenby and the surrounding communities to feel able to contribute to this project, from the youngest to the oldest.

Either paper or digital entries are fine, writing or drawings, poetry, stories or accounts of things that happened or just how this year has been. Photographs or even movies, either taken during the year, or of things too big to be put in an archive box (we only have the one) are fine as well.

Please could you ask anyone you know who might like to contribute.

Send paper entries to Tenby Town Council at the De Valence, or digital entries to me at

Class Hampers

Today we made the draw for the class hampers

Pili Pala Chocolate and Biscuits
Cwningen Savoury Treats
Wiwer Movie Night
Draenog Christmas
Cadno Relaxation/Pamper

We look forward to receiving your donations to make up these special hampers for our raffle on December 16th.  We will send the raffle books home on November 16th and appreciate your help in raising funds for the school.  We will have a limited number of extra books available.  Pleas contact the school if you would like any more.


Fundraising flyer hampers


We have come up with some ideas for fundraising during these difficult times. Money that we raise for school funds is vital to providing the little extras for our pupils but also in these difficult financial times for schools it helps us to provide some of the necessities such as the texting service we use.  We have also recently refurbished the year 1and 2 and year 6  toilets and this was funded partly through money that you helped us to raise last year.

We hope you are able to support us in some, or all, of our fundraising activities for the school and charity this term.

DVD SALE for School Funds

Tuesday 10th November pupils will browse in their bubbles during the school day.  All Dvds £1 each


HALLOWEEN DISCO for Children in Need

Thursday 12th November after school in our bubbles.

£2 a ticket, squash and biscuits provided.

Bring your costume to change into.

Infant and siblings pick up 4pm Junior pick up 4.15 (please adhere to the normal social distancing rules at pick up time)


HAMPER RAFFLE for School Funds

£1 a ticket, 5 tickets in a book. Ticket books and class hamper assignments to follow shortly.  1 book per family initially with more available while stocks last if you would like to purchase extra. Draw will be made on  December 16th during a virtual assembly.

Fundraising flyer nov 20