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Bidding Farewell


This afternoon we presented Mr Harries with his leaving gifts.  He was over the moon with his AFC Wimbledon shirt and put it on as soon as the presentation was over.  He also received Vincent Davies vouchers to spend at his will.


Pictured are Mr Paul Harries with Laura and Joy representing the Friends of Stepaside School.

Mr Harries was presented with a Christmas tree to plant at home whilst the school was presented with a tree to plant on the school site.  These trees are a sustainable reminder of the time Mr Harries spent at the school helping our pupils to grow and flourish.

Welcome back

Please see the link below or continue reading for a letter from Mr Harries regarding the return to school on Friday

September return


Dear Parents,

I hope that you and your children have all had an enjoyable summer break. We are very much looking forward to seeing everyone on Friday. School times return to normal this term and are as follows:

Free Breakfast Club (full- time Nursery – Year 6) 8:00am – 8:45am

Children not attending Breakfast Club should arrive at school between 8.45am and 9:00am when staff will be on duty to supervise. Parents of Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children can drive into the school car park. Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children should arrive at the dropping off point, walk through the gate, and into school. A member of staff will be at the dropping off point.

School begins for all children at 9:00am.

School ends at 3.00pm for pupils in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Parents can again drive into the car park if they wish to meet their children. This term, you will have to wait for elder siblings to finish at 3:10pm. Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children will finish at 3:10pm. and will be brought out by their class teachers to the car park and to the picking up point.

You will note that there is still disruption to the school drive at present due to the development next to the school and that there is a new road layout. Please drive very carefully and slowly on the drive when dropping off and picking up your children. We would encourage as many of you as possible to walk to and from school where practical.

The Playgroup will recommence on Monday 6th September as will the after school club run by Mrs Davies.

We will still need to limit adult visitors on the school site so we ask that appointments are made to see class teachers or myself. Please do not hesitate to ask to see me, or a member of staff, if you have any concerns. Masks must be worn by visitors to the school site attending appointments. Whilst you don’t have to wear masks outdoors, it would be a good idea to do so in the car park, or when queuing close to other adults in the morning, or at the end of the day.

Please remember that no child or adult should attend school if symptomatic. Your children will need to be sent home if displaying symptoms when at school, unless you have sought medical advice to the contrary and have informed the school of such advice. These measures continue in much the same way as during the last school year in order to keep people as safe as possible. At school, we will continue to ensure suitable ventilation of classroom spaces and we will continue with our cleaning and hygiene regimes.

The school will be open between 9:00am and 4:00pm tomorrow if you have any queries.


Best Wishes

Paul Harries