Autumn Clubs Sign Up
Please click here for the Autumn clubs online sign up form

Parental Survey
Parents views- how schools support children’s emotional health in Pembrokeshire
‘There are many internal and external factors that can affect your child’s emotional health and wellbeing. As schools across Pembrokeshire, and the Local Authority, we are embedding our plan for a ‘Whole School Approach’ to emotional health and wellbeing, that will help children and young people to thrive. We would like to know what parents view as important factors that support positive wellbeing for learners in Pembrokeshire schools.
We value your views as we do this, and we will use these views both to inform and shape the Whole School Approach, and to understand how we can be most effective in offering this support. This survey has 12 questions and will usually take under 10 minutes for you to answer. ‘

Winter Fuel Payments
Please follow the link above to claim your winter fuel payment for eligible households.

Winter of Wellbeing Free Sessions
Please see this link for council funded WINTER OF WELLBEING activities taking place from January

Parental Survey About the School Day and School Year
Please take the opportunity to have your voice heard in this SURVEY about the structure of the school day and school year in Wales
Closing Date January 23rd 2022

Welsh Blood Service
Please see the message below from the Welsh Blood Service
‘It’s been another challenging start to the year for us all as the Omicron strain rises to a peak….we’re doing all we can to protect our blood stock levels and to get as many donation sessions in your area fully booked as we’re anticipating lots of short notice cancellations as people have to isolate. It is vital that we maintain healthy blood stocks to support patients in need and to meet the demand from the 20 Welsh hospitals that we supply.’
Please click on this special BOOKING LINK if you are able to help