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Back to School

We return to School on Monday January 8th 2018.  We are looking forward to welcoming you all back, dressed smartly in your uniforms and ready to learn.


See you then and have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


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Lots of awards were made this term for attendance.  Medals were given to pupils with 100% attendance in the Summer term.  Prize winners were drawn from names of pupils who had full weeks attendance this term.  Their name goes in to the pot each time they complete a full week.  We also had four pupils with 100% attendance for the whole academic year.  They were rewarded with a special certificate and a monetary prize.

Kilgetty in Bloom

Another opportunity for designing posters came in the form of the Kilgetty in Bloom competition.

Each year there is also and environmental award presented to a group or individual from the school to recognise their efforts in the field of outdoor education and caring for the enviroment. This year the Gary Waters memorial cup was presented to Dosbarth Draenog for their Forest School work.


Sports Day

Thank you to all pupils, parents, family members and staff for a fantastic sports day this year.  Nursery pupils ran their races in the morning followed by the rest of the school in the afternoon.

A big thank you to the Friends group for their help with refreshments.  The day raised £185 which went towards medals and the track markings.

Pictured here are the winners of the house shield and the individual year group trophies.

Overall winners were Grove House.




Gardening Time


Pupils from Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 have been very busy outside today.  They have been tidying the raised bed, mowing the grass and getting ready for planting.

One pupil left school telling his mum, “that was my best day ever”
