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Author: TheresaW

Welsh Blood Service

Please see the message below from the Welsh Blood Service

‘It’s been another challenging start to the year for us all as the Omicron strain rises to a peak….we’re doing all we can to protect our blood stock levels and to get as many donation sessions in your area fully booked as we’re anticipating lots of short notice cancellations as people have to isolate. It is vital that we maintain healthy blood stocks to support patients in need and to meet the demand from the 20 Welsh hospitals that we supply.’

Please click on this special BOOKING LINK if you are able to help

Bidding Farewell


This afternoon we presented Mr Harries with his leaving gifts.  He was over the moon with his AFC Wimbledon shirt and put it on as soon as the presentation was over.  He also received Vincent Davies vouchers to spend at his will.


Pictured are Mr Paul Harries with Laura and Joy representing the Friends of Stepaside School.

Mr Harries was presented with a Christmas tree to plant at home whilst the school was presented with a tree to plant on the school site.  These trees are a sustainable reminder of the time Mr Harries spent at the school helping our pupils to grow and flourish.