Cardiff Capers
Dosbarth Cadno have returned from their action packed residential in Cardiff. Their three days were filled with activities including swimming, ice skating, and bowling alongside visits to the Royal Mint, Cardiff Castle and Big Pit. Organised by Urdd this trip provides an opportunity for our pupils to participate in these recreational and educational activities and gain experience of being away from home. It was an honour to take our pupils on this trip as their behaviour was excellent and they were great fun to be around.
Match Fund
We have been very fortunate that an anonymous donor has come forward to match fund our fundraising this term. We have set the target at £1000 which they will match with another £1000. This is a very generous offer and we have been working hard here at school and with the help of parents and friends to reach this target.
So far we have held a disco, a prize bingo, a clothing collection and rummage sale and received a donation from a raffle at Twisted Tangles New Salon.
Our total so far stands at £669.50, amazing, well done everyone.
Our next event is………
Our fundraising target for this event is £330.50, can we do it? YES WE CAN! with your help….please 🙂
These funds will go towards buying outdoor play equipment and resources for our early years pupils.
Rainbow Run
Here we are on the start line for our Rainbow Run. We had such a fantastic afternoon, a really community feel to the whole event. We are so very grateful to all those who sponsored our pupils and to those who stepped in on the day to help man the cake stall and raffle. We are also very thankful for all the donated prizes for fundraisers and the raffle. We raised over £3000 which we are using for our new IT suite.
30 Hours free childcare offer available in our Playgroup
We are delighted to make you aware that our playgroup is now registered for the 30 hour free childcare offer.
Eligible children will be able to access the offer from the beginning of the term following their third birthday until the term following their fourth birthday when they begin full-time education.
Please spread the word!
Sporting Achievements Feb 2019
Pupils from Stepaside CP School have recently taken part in a number of National and Area sports competitions.
We were delighted with the performance of Kristina Ardern in the URDD National swimming gala held in Cardiff recently, where she won a bronze medal. Congratulations Kristina.
Our football team recently won through to the regional round of a national football tournament hosted by Swansea City FC. At the regional competition which was held in Llanelli we played teams from south west Wales. Our team put in a great performance on the day but were beaten by some strong competition from other schools.
Led by former pupil Aled Waters, our Year 5 and 6 pupils trained in contact rugby in readiness for a Pembrokeshire six nations tournament. We represented Italy in the matches played in Carmarthen. With only a few training sessions under our belt and only 3 club players amongst our team we put in a top performance and managed to win 4 of our 5 games. This performance was down to the great training we had and brilliant team work. We are looking forward to more sessions and working on our skills.