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Author: TheresaW

Class Hampers

Today we made the draw for the class hampers

Pili Pala Chocolate and Biscuits
Cwningen Savoury Treats
Wiwer Movie Night
Draenog Christmas
Cadno Relaxation/Pamper

We look forward to receiving your donations to make up these special hampers for our raffle on December 16th.  We will send the raffle books home on November 16th and appreciate your help in raising funds for the school.  We will have a limited number of extra books available.  Pleas contact the school if you would like any more.


Fundraising flyer hampers


We have come up with some ideas for fundraising during these difficult times. Money that we raise for school funds is vital to providing the little extras for our pupils but also in these difficult financial times for schools it helps us to provide some of the necessities such as the texting service we use.  We have also recently refurbished the year 1and 2 and year 6  toilets and this was funded partly through money that you helped us to raise last year.

We hope you are able to support us in some, or all, of our fundraising activities for the school and charity this term.

DVD SALE for School Funds

Tuesday 10th November pupils will browse in their bubbles during the school day.  All Dvds £1 each


HALLOWEEN DISCO for Children in Need

Thursday 12th November after school in our bubbles.

£2 a ticket, squash and biscuits provided.

Bring your costume to change into.

Infant and siblings pick up 4pm Junior pick up 4.15 (please adhere to the normal social distancing rules at pick up time)


HAMPER RAFFLE for School Funds

£1 a ticket, 5 tickets in a book. Ticket books and class hamper assignments to follow shortly.  1 book per family initially with more available while stocks last if you would like to purchase extra. Draw will be made on  December 16th during a virtual assembly.

Fundraising flyer nov 20

Half Term contact details

The Director of Education for Pembrokeshire County Council has asked us to pass on the following information


If you seek a Coronavirus test during half term and the outcome of that test is positive could you please use the email address to let the county council know and they will contact the school leadership directly using emergency contact procedures.  make sure in the email that you state your child’s name and the name of the school.  Many Thanks

Steven Richards-Downes

Director of Education

Stay Safe   cid:image004.png@01D634E7.DB189780 Cadw’n diogel

Lost Property

Please make sure you label your child’s clothes and belongings clearly to help us keep track of what belongs to who.

Here is a LINK to My Name Tags where you can order labels which you can iron on to your child’s clothes to help identify them.  Not only will this help reduce lost property and save you money on replacing lost items but it will also help to raise funds for the school as 24% of each order is donated to the school.

Pembrokeshire County Council Advice

Please read the following letter or click this LINK for the County Council advice on symptoms and the action to take.

Dear Parents

lease find attached PCC guidance on the essential procedures to follow if your child displays any symptoms of COVID – 19. It has been lovely to have the children back in school this week and to see how well they have settled into their classes. They have also adapted well to the measures put in place to maintain their safety and that of adults working within the school.


Please can I remind all parents and adults supporting their children arriving or leaving school to maintain distancing of at least 2 metres from others outside of your family group. Also it is important to use the available parking spaces and not to engage in extended conversations with other parents whilst on site. When on site please keep your children close by you and don’t let them run and play away from you. As soon as all your children are safely in school please leave the site immediately.


What to do if your child is displaying symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19)

One or more COVID-19 Symptoms:

  • A new, continuous cough
  • A high temperature
  • Loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell

Action list


  1. Self-isolate for 10 days


  1. Use or Call 111 for clinical advice


  1. Apply for Coronavirus test if needed  or call 119 to arrange for a test.


  1. Collect any siblings from school.


  1. Call the school to inform them your child has symptoms and whether they have had a test. Do not visit the school.


  1. If your child has a negative test, return to school and provide proof of their result.


  1. If your child gets a positive test, then continue to self-isolate for 10 days from when their symptoms started. Anyone they live with, and anyone in their family bubble, or extended family bubble must self-isolate for 14 days.


  1. If your child does not have any COVID-19 symptoms but does:


Feel unwell with a temperature of less than 38C

Vomit or has diarrhoea

Have a loss of appetite

Have a rash

Have fatigue / aches

Or have any other general illness or is feeling unwell


Then you are advised to monitor your child closely. If appropriate do not attend school but keep them informed in the usual way.


  1. If your child seems very unwell, is getting worse or you think there’s something seriously wrong, call 999. Do not visit your GP, pharmacy or hospital, except in an emergency.




Yours Sincerely



Mr Paul Harries
