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Online Safety

Click on the images below to see a bigger version of these very helpful infographics

INTERNET MATTERS offers great advice on keeping our children safe on line.  Here are links to some of their resources

Supporting pre schoolers (0-5s)

Early years (under 5) online safety advice

Supporting primary schoolers (6-10s)

Young kids (6-10s)

Supporting pre teens (11-13s)

Pre-teen (11-13s)

If you are unsure about whether your child/ren should be accessing social media websites/apps, the Internet Matters website provides guidance on what the age restrictions are for all social media platforms.  Please note that, as made clear on this website, the minimum age for any social media platforms is 13 years old.

Here are two useful links to HWB resources on online safety

Online safety advice for children and young people


We are part of the 360 degree safe Cymru.  We are actively working through the aspects of this programme to ensure our pupils, parents, staff and governors are aware of and internet safety and know where to go to get help.

Click here for information from NSPCC about online safety

Click HERE for a digital parenting guide from Vodaphone

Click here for more resources to help you as parents to make good media choices with your child

Click here for helpful information about AGE RATINGS for films, games and APPs