Committee members have begun to make preparations for the SUSTRANS Big walk and Wheel. They will deliver a launch assembly on March 9th and have asked one of the digital leaders to create a chart to record the number of active journeys per class. Committee members will collate journeys across the school during the two week initiative and enter them into the Sustrans website. the pupils will be competing against other schools in Wales to make the most active journeys. As part of the two week long event pupils have arranged for a walk to school with Ziggy on Tuesday 12th March. lets hope the sun shines like it did last year for this!
Force For Nature Update
Mr Jones and Mrs Williams have been busy ordering the poly tunnel and garden beds from the Force for Nature grant. All of the items have arrived now and shortly Mr. Graham Badham will be coming along to school to help us get the allotment project underway. Hopefully you have noticed the beautiful daffodils and crocus which have begun to bloom in out new pots. These were planted by pupils on Children in need day! This is all part of the force for Nature grant too.
New pots in bloom
Force for Nature
We have been awarded a Force for Nature grant from the Pembrokeshire Coast Charitable Trust and we are looking forward to building a school allotment in the spring. We will be getting to work after half term to order all the things we need. We really need some help and expertise so if you know anyone who would be willing to help that would be really useful. Please get in touch with Mrs Williams in the school office

We conducted a utilities survey around the school to see where we can save money and energy on Gas, Electricity and Water

We filled the Rotary shoeboxes with donations from parents and staff at the school.

Committee members photographed the areas of the garden that needed attention. We are going to change the it into a peace garden, we have had a donation of a bench from the Kilgetty WI. We also have funds to spend from the legacy donation of Mrs Joyce Lewis who was a governor at our school for many years. We look forward to updating you with our progress in the Spring